May 17, 2012

A Humble Man

Why do I admire a humble man?
What do I seek from a humble man?

A man who works hard
A man with dignity
A man who never quit
A man of his words

A humble man strives to the best
A humble man fights for his love
A humble man stays faithful

I thought I can find it in You
I trusted You without doubt
I believed in You cause I know how You fight
I loved You unconditionally
A humble man with a fragile heart...

Wished that I fight for the right person
Prepared to sacrifice anything for You
Prayed that You'd be the one to love me forever
Hoped You hold this hands in good times and bad times

I knew You through my soul, not my eyes
I made You a lover through my heart
I didn't know... 
how You look at me, how worthy I am in Your life
but all I know...
in my limitation, wrapped with my defects
I wrote Your name in my heart
since the day we met and will never be replace nor erase

(Dedicated to a humble man whom I loved with my life

Picture source:

1 comment:

Nit2x said...

Nice Poem...
One day God will give You a humble man... for the rest of your life...

A humble man with the biggest love for you

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