December 05, 2011

No Period

The acupuncture treatment has ended and I still don't have the courage to go to the gynecologist. It has been 3 months since my last control while she told me to go back on September. Something unusual happened! I don't get my period last month, no pain in my tummy.

This is weird indeed. Hormonal therapy should last only for 30 days and my last Danazol was at the early week of September. But... I have 2 (two) times of period on mid-October. I was hoping to have it by the earliest or end of November. It's not happening.

I should go to the gynecologist, I should have the USG scan on my tummy. I used to be brave to face this disease. I always want to prove that acupuncture can heal it. But this time... I have no courage, I'm so afraid. What if this time the acupuncture didn't work?

"Jesus, I'm so afraid. I don't know how to handle this. I don't have the courage and I don't have the money. It's difficult, Jesus. But I'll praise You in this storm, Jesus... For You are my Savior, my Refuge. For You are my Strength, my Hope. May Your name be glorify now and forever." 

Picture is taken from:

1 comment:

Blue Jasmine said...

Well, you should expect a nice miracle.
After all, it's the magical month of the year...:-)

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