February 04, 2010

YAZ Result

This is weird...

My period usually end at day 3, but not this month. At day 4 - 6, the flow getting heavier than ever. The first 3 days was a regular light flow, no significant pain... I didn't use any pain killers. Even when the flow start to be heavier, I didn't feel pain at all. "Wow!" I said to myself...

I don't know why the period become longer, hope next month will back to the regular flow. I take Yasmin again, get it @ near pharmacy store. It's cheaper than Yaz with higher level of ethinylestradiol. Each tablet of Yasmin contains 3mg drospirenone and 0.03mg ethinylestradiol. While YAZ only has 0.02mg of ethinylestradiol. Let me dig a bit deeper about these two contains of Yasmin and Yaz. 

What is drospirenone & ethinylestradiol?
Drospirenone - A synthetic spironolactone analogue and progestin with progestational and anti-mineralocorticoid activity. Drospirenone binds to the progesterone receptor, the resulting complex becomes activated and binds to specific sites on DNA. This results in a suppression of LH activity and an inhibition of ovulation as well as an alteration in the cervical mucus and endometrium. This leads to an increased difficulty of sperm entry into the uterus and implantation. This drug is used in oral contraceptives.

Ethinylestradiol - A semisynthetic estrogen. Ethinyl estradiol binds to the estrogen receptor complex and enters the nucleus, activating DNA transcription of genes involved in estrogenic cellular responses. This agent also inhibits 5-alpha reductase in epididymal tissue, which lowers testosterone levels and may delay progression of prostatic cancer. In addition to its antineoplastic effects, ethinyl estradiol protects against osteoporosis. In animal models, short-term therapy with this agent has been shown to provide long-term protection against breast cancer, mimicking the antitumor effects of pregnancy. (NCI04).

How do it work? 
Combination pills like Drospirenone and Ethinyl Estradiol, which contain two types of hormones (an estrogen and a progestin), work in two ways:
  • The body is "tricked" into thinking it is pregnant. This prevents the release of an egg, or ovulation. Without an egg to be fertilized, a woman cannot become pregnant. The estrogen part of the pill is what makes the body "think" it is pregnant so that it doesn't release eggs.
  • The cervical mucus is thickened, making it difficult for sperm to travel toward the egg and fertilize it in case an egg is released. The progestin part of the pill prevents the ovulation. Other alterations include cervical mucus which prevents the movement of sperm. This serves as a backup to prevent pregnancy even if an egg is released.

Many pro and contra about Yasmin, I just wish I choose the right medicine to reduce the pain with less side effect.


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