February 15, 2010

I'm Exhausted

I'm totally exhausted, physically and mentally. If you notice, several days ago I wrote in my MSN's status: "mental breakdown syndrome". Well, I don't know what to do anymore. I can not concentrate, easily angered, cry every night... I can not pray at all, speechless...

I'm excessively tired all the time, even after sleeping. According to psychology, I'm experiencing some of the symptoms of burnout. Long periods of overexertion and stress cause constant fatigue, headache, sleeplessness, gastrointestinal problems, and tension. Some other signals of burnout are crying, being easily angered, negativity, irritability, depression, cynicism, and bitterness toward others' blessings and even their good health. 

This morning on my "silent moment", I read about burnout syndrome. The book called "New Day New You" by Joyce Meyer opened my eyes about how bad my latest condition is. She asked me to remember, that the Bible says we reap what we sow. If we sow continual stress with no rest to offset it, we will reap the result in our bodies, emotions, and minds.

"And Jesus said to them, The Sabbath was made on an account and for the sake of man, not man for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is Lord even of Sabbath." (Mark 2:27-28)

God established the law of resting on the Sabbath to prevent burnout in our lives. The law of Sabbath simply said we can work six days, but by the seventh, we need to rest and spend time worshiping God. Even God rested after six days of work. He, of course, never gets tired but gave us this example so we would follow the pattern.

What should I do? All I know is that I need to put my burden a while, I need a vacation... I need to refresh my body, mind and emotion... Please help me, God. I can not endure this any longer...


Nit2x said...

refreshing all day long with me??? :)

Sutaaraito said...

@Nit2x - still can not put my burden, still carry it on my mind... Don't you notice that I couldn't concentrate???

Nit2x said...

Yup.. i know...
This is my promise to you :
I’ll stay beside you and comfort your soul, when you are lonely and broken and old.

Blue Jasmine said...

Take a long leave.....I didn't suggest you to go to some place, but from your own habit.....hihihi...try to become a devil once instead of a good person....hehehehe....except towards me of course...hehehe....

Dominick said...

i have learned something "interesteing" from blue jasmine.....make your boss "DEPENDED" to you..than you can do anything to your boss wuahaahha what a nice thing.....

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