January 04, 2014

Prayer: A Father's Prayer

For this last several days I dreamed about my father and end up crying. I can't remember the dreams very much in detail but I remember what I said to him before I woke up. I said to him, "Why you go away, papa?" and when he said that he need to go, I said to him, "Please don't go, papa!" 

As I reflected my dream, I can only say that deep in my heart I haven't wholeheartedly let go of him. We live so far away, so we hardly meet. It makes the separation with him easier to bear. But the guilt of not being able to help him makes me ask those questions in my dream. We can't control our dream, I believe it solely speak the truth of our longing. 

In a deep longing for him, I opened our chat history. I read it one by one and it made me cry again. I was stunned to read one of our conversation about me asking him to pray. That time I was very sad due a broken relationship with my ex. Here is his prayer in original language: 

+ Dalam nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus. Amin.

Ya Allah Bapa yang penuh kasih, dengan penuh keyakinan aku datang di hadapan-Mu, sambil percaya bahwa Engkau menginginkan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan putri kami. Penuhilah hatinya dengan Roh-Mu, sehingga ketika putri kami berhadapan dengan kesulitan dan kecemasan, ia dapat mengingat cinta-Mu yang abadi, dan percaya akan janji bahwa Engkau akan hadir bersamanya. Ya Yesus, hadirlah bersama putri kami, dan berilah ia keberanian dan kekuatan. Bunda Maria, bunda kami, jadilah pengantara untuk mendapatkan rahmat-rahmat yang sangat putri kami butuhkan saat ini dari Bapa di Surga dan dari Putra-Mu, Yesus.

+ Dalam nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus. Amin.

The translation of his prayer:

+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O God Loving Father, with confidence I come before Thee, as I believe that You desire the welfare and happiness of our daughter. Fill her heart with your Spirit, so when our daughter deals with difficulty and anxiety, she can remember Your love is immortal, and believe in the promise that You will be with her. O Jesus, please be with our daughter, and give her courage and strength. Mary, our Mother, please be a mediator to obtain graces that our daughter need right now from the Father in Heaven and from Thy Son, Jesus.
+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, papa.... I really miss you... :'(

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