May 11, 2010

18 Years Ago

This day, 18 years ago
I saw my mom cry
Sadness was in her eyes
She fainted several times

This day, 18 years ago
My dad looked so tired
I know he was sad
But he didn't show it

This day, 18 years ago
The neighbors came
They cleared the house, removed the furniture
They made the room look bigger

This day, 18 years ago
I was cooking a soup
When one of the neighbor broke the news
I stumbled and cried

This day, 18 years ago
My beloved little brother died...

I love you, Agung
Rest in peace, my dear brother

Picture is taken from:


Nit2x said...

Sekarang Dia pasti tersenyum melihat ada keluarga yang begitu menyayanginya....

Semoga dia memiliki kedamaian kekal disisiNya... AMIN

Sutaaraito said...

Thank you, Nit2x.

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