August 18, 2008

The Mask

One day in a seminar the speaker asked, “How long do your wear your mask?” I was shocked to hear that question. He said that everyone has their own mask. Either we realize it or not, sometimes we wear our mask. The mask shows a different personality, a different side of you, to be someone who you want to be and someone who everyone loves. Don’t you hate to wear your mask but sometimes we wear it… just to make someone happy or to cover up our inability.

Do you know how tired to wear those masks? Do you have any idea how heavy it was? Someone says, “When you started to lie, you will end up with another bigger lies! Can you cope with it?” It’s true… it started a little lie and you have to lie all the time. The hardest part was to remember each character we played and to whom we played it to.

Let’s try to take off the mask, to bring the truth to everyone. It’s hard but worth to try. Do it one step at a time, because we don’t want to hurt anyone although we already did. The lessons are just be you, be honest and love yourself.

“Just be yourself, because you are special!”

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