January 01, 2009

The Story of Endometriosis 2

After I received the USG result, I wrote text message to my father and broke the news. I wanted to cry at the hospital but I managed to hold it. I went to the office directly and began to work as if nothing happen.

Actually I know there was something wrong with me around May. One day I woke up early in the morning with an urgent need to take a pee. Still in my bed, I rubbed my lower stomach and felt something. The bladder was full with urine and at the lower part, there was a big lump. It was solid and it can move when I pressed one side. It’s not hurt though. I was afraid to tell anyone about it even to my friend who encourages me to see the gynecologist… and I kept it as a secret until the pain was unbearable.

Back to that day, when I got home, I discussed my condition with my dad and brother (my mom lives in a different city). So, my dad called his friend to ask who was a good gynecologist. His friend recommended an old and clever gynecologist who had operated her cyst. I made an appointment to see him – the gynecologist – on the next day.

I went to the gynecologist room alone. I told him my condition and showed him the USG result. He asked whether someone accompanied me and he called my dad to come in. He explained the logical cause of my disease (although the medical theories show no exact cause for endometriosis). There were 2 ways to get rid of the endometriosis. First by open surgery which means the doctor will open my lower stomach and remove the cyst. Second by laparoscopy method which means the doctor only make three small incisions in my lower stomach and use some tools to remove it from those small incisions.

I would have preferred the second method but the doctor can’t do it. He said the best doctor to do laparoscopy in the city was a doctor with the longest waiting list. I couldn’t bear the pain anymore so we took the first method. It was Thursday and the fastest operation could be done in Saturday. So, on Friday I checked in at the hospital. They put me in the maternity division.

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