June 21, 2014

Fun: Me and Knitting

I have a new hobby now, it’s knitting. The idea to learn about knitting came from making souvenir for my father’s memorial prayer. It isn’t a must thing, to give souvenir to those who come to the prayer, but it’s like a custom here. We serve dinner and give souvenir in such memorial prayer.

small purse for rosary

The idea itself was to make a small purse for Rosary. I bought my purse at the cathedral long time ago and when I look at it, seems it is easy to make one like it. Ha-ha. It isn’t easy at all. I asked my friend, Nit2x, to study knitting together. Firstly we studied online, we watched video at YouTube and learned from it. 
Secondly, we asked our friend to teach us and we discovered it was not easy. Ha-ha.

My friend is talented, she studied faster than me. I was so behind her and feel hopeless. At that time, it was too little time to finish 40 small purses (in only 2 months away) and we merely expert in it. So, I cancelled the souvenir. My mom came with another idea for the souvenir.

Back to knitting.

There are knitting and crochet, I love knitting more than crochet. While my friend loves crochet more than knitting. But turn out, knitting needs crochet skill too. Ha-ha. Knitting tools are two needles and crochet tool is crochet hook. 

this is crochet tool

this is knitting tool

Right now, I am using a tool from Japan, it looks like loom. I made scarf with it. Already done with first scarf project, a green scarf for Nit2x and now I am doing my second scarf project. I tried to be expert in it, still need to learn how to end the project with crochet skill. It is a fun thing to do. I enjoy making scarf and wanting to learn more than scarf, such as making sock and beanie hat. I love my new hobby. 

my first project: green scarf

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