What do friend mean to me? Hmm, friend is the closest person I have (beside my family), some of them I consider as family. That's why I choose my friend very carefully. I try to give the best to my friend. If I may say, they mean the world to me. Could not live without one.
Recently I know that honesty is hard to find. Even when you give your best, share your secret and give your trust... It won't guarantee you from being deceived. Ah! I'm very stupid because so easily deceived by others. I'm wondering what they are thinking when they deceived me? Anyhow, I always find the flaws... So, thanks be to God.
This is my latest experience. I have a rule not to met people whom I met online. Well, I broke the rule once. First, because I was curious on how it will be. Second, because he was funny and I found comfort in him. This is a valuable experience. I learn not to trust any online friend.
The story began with his personal life where he stated that he is single, had a bad relationship for 7 years. His wife left him for her classmate while he was too busy looking for money. 7 years of marriage and no children. What a poor guy! Right?
Stayed close to him for a year. We hang out, had dinner, watched movie, talked over the phone or chatted via sms. I shared some of my secret with him. I trusted him. I thought I knew him, but I was wrong!
One day, I had a strong feeling to dig more about this guy. So, I explore more on one of his online profile. AHA! There you go... I found his picture with his wife and two children on a wedding dinner they attended 5 months ago. Shocked! I found the picture on his brother profile. I was confirmed by looking at his wedding ring (he wore a wedding ring @ the picture) and the similar look of his children, both look exactly like him. Jesus Christ!
Yes, I've been deceived!!! I asked my friend - who also knew him - to confirm about the picture. He confess that he was with his wife and his children, even mentioning their age. Wow!
This is the reason I said honesty is hard to find! Why would you lie to your friend? Why? I just don't understand. I trusted him! He wrote a quote @ his profile: "
it takes years to build trust and only a second to destroy it". Well, my friend, you are right! You just destroy my trust, congratulation. Hope one day I can forgive you.
So, everyone... Never ever trust your online friend easily!!!!