July 15, 2009

My Birthday's Wishes

My birthday is still a month away, yet a friend ask me to write my birthday's wishes. Well, why not? It's just some wishes that I really want to be able to come true. Are you sure you can grant mine? ..LOL..

So, here are my birthday's wishes:
  1. I wish to be able to love Jesus for the rest of my life
  2. I wish to have strong faith, hope, and love
  3. I wish to have more patience to go through every life's challenges 
  4. I wish to be able to make my parents happy
  5. I wish to have great health to finish my purpose in life and to serve others in need
Ok, that are my birthday's wishes. Pray with me so it will come true.
July 13, 2009

My First Award

Rules for the award:
* Put the award in a post when you receive it.
* Name and link to the blogger who gave you the award in the post.
* Write the reason why you love to blog.
* Pass the award on to other bloggers that you know.
* Name and link to your recipients in the post.
* Let your recipients know that the award was passed on to them.

I got this award from Blue Jasmine - World of My Own, thank you so much! Luv ya!

I blog because I like to express my thoughts, inspire and share it with others.

So, finally, I would like to pass this tag to my great friend on and offline, Nit2x.

July 11, 2009


Finally, I vote for the president election on Jul 8, 2009. Thanks to you, G! You are the one who make me feel guilty for not voting… LOL…

I cleared out my local ID problem just a month before the election. I used to have my home town ID, which is 7 hours drive from where I live now. I moved to my current location 17 years ago. My parents and brother still have their home town ID but I decide to move mine to my current location last year. The process took a very long time, especially when you handle everything by yourself. I finally gave up in the last process and let other people finished for me. Why after all this time? Well, I love my current location and sometimes I found difficulties for not having local ID. For example with the local bank, I may not open an account using my old ID.

Due to this mess up, I’ve already missed 3 elections. Since last year, my city has already held 4 elections. The first election was for the governor, the second was also for governor (their second rounds), and the third one was for House of Representatives’ member. Now, I’ve done my job as citizen, involve in determining the future of my country for the next 5 years. Hope that I didn’t make the wrong choice and whoever win or lose will take the result as a good democratic process.
July 09, 2009

The Wall

This topic brought to me twice in a week. One topic is about staring at the blank wall and the other one is about walking through the wall. Two different interesting subjects isn’t it? I really want to explore more on stare a blank wall.   

This topic brought by one of my favorite author, Mr. Paulo Coelho. I’m following his update in a social network group. He always posts a different subject each week, and always made me think about something I never had from such a simple subject. Last month, he brought it up and it challenges me to stare a blank wall.   

He said, as I quote, “I asked this week to friends to stare a blank wall – what do you see?”

So, I’m trying to stare a blank wall and let my mind wandering around. When I wrote this, I try to stare a blank glass not wall LOL...  I remember to write something on my blog about the current election. At the same time I was thinking about my short trip not so long ago and how cold the weather, since I couldn’t stand cold. I try to stare as long as I could but I can’t... so many things in my mind right now. I wish I could stare a little longer, let's say about 10 minutes each day... Hmm... will I be able to do that?

This exercise reminds me about meditation. I’m so curious to learn to do meditation. I like to find my peace in this crowded world. Sometimes my life gets down very low and hard to find the way back. So, I really need to relax and try to calm myself. Who can teach me meditation??? Please teach me…

July 04, 2009


In one of my quiet moment, I found a subject about gratitude. The writer, Byrony Wood said, "Learning to be grateful no matter what our circumstance is always important." The writer further more introduced a little machine design to measure how much gratitude we express, this little machine called Thank-o-Meter. Hmm... I wonder what score I would have...

In this time, I would like to give thanks to My God, My Savior... for my life, for each provided needs and most of all for being there through my ups and downs in life. Thanks to my parents and brother for loving me and being patience with me. My special thanks for my friends (you know who you are)...

  1. Nit2x - for always supporting me and sharing all your secret with me
  2. Blue Jasmine - for making me see everything in a different way, especially from the funny side of every situation 
  3. SY - for providing me with those beautiful dresses and bags
  4. SP - for the green shirt
  5. E - for making me laugh and for the lovely book
  6. MC - for your prayer
  7. Y & P - for providing transport each time I go to choir practice
  8. To all my friends that I can't mention one by one - thank you for your friendship...
So many blessing I have received, yet I often too busy or didn't notice the good around me. I really need to exercise more to express my gratitude. Have you count your blessing today?